Family feud questions baby shower
Family feud questions baby shower

family feud questions baby shower

Ask a mom to be the judge and let guests go head to head as they see who can swaddle a baby the fastest and most correct way. In the even that you have a coed shower or many guests at your party aren’t moms, asking guests to swaddle a babydoll will be downright funny. Just ask any mom how to swaddle a baby and she’ll be able to do it blindfolded. Here’s a printable for this game and there’s also some good suggestions of songs to play. Make sure to include a selection of old and new music so that all ages can participate. There are a million songs that have the word “baby” in the title, so in wanting to have a little fun at your baby shower, you can play music that has baby in the title and ask guests to write the title of the song and the artist. For example, the facilitator will start by saying “pass the prize to the person who has known the mom-to-be the longest.” Name that tune You’ll need someone to facilitate this game and the facilitator will read off directions on which way the prize will need to be passed. To play, have guests sit in a circle–and you can easily do this right before presents are opened. The mom-to-be will invite old friends from school, childhood playmates, new friends and friends from work to her baby shower, and games like pass the prize are fun to play in settings where many guests don’t know each other. Played just like family feud, guests will write down their answers to a series of questions like “What’s the most popular nickname for grandma,” or “What’s the best tasting baby food item?” The guest with the most correct, wins. If you’re a fan of Family Feud, you’ll love baby shower feud. In instances where there are printables you can buy to host these games, I’ve linked them. Hosting a baby shower but aren’t crafty? Many of these baby shower games involve little to no prep work and Etsy is a great resource for pre-designed cards to facilitate these baby shower games. So if you’re hosting or even planning your own baby shower and you want to inject some fun games into the event that don’t cause guests to swear off baby showers altogether, this list is for you. While I’m all for crowd participation, I’m not for forcing baby shower guests into cringy baby shower games that make everyone look utterly silly.

family feud questions baby shower

I get it, baby shower activites are thrown into gatherings as a way to pass the time and bring everyone together. It’s safe to say I’ve seen or heard it all when it comes to baby shower games, and let me tell you, the vast majority of these games and activities are totally cringy! I’ve also had a baby shower thrown for me. I’ve been to my fair share of baby showers.

Family feud questions baby shower