The incorrect detection may be due to heuristics or to an incorrect virus signature in a database. The term false positive is used when antivirus software wrongly classifies an innocuous ( inoffensive ) file as a virus. NOTE: Some antivirus and antispyware programs flag the trainer as being infected/malware, although the application is perfectly safe and does not pose a threat to your system.

This new trainer is for the 1.3 version of the game!

With this new Dishonored +16 trainer you will be able to instantly make use of some new in-game cheats that will prove to be more than useful. 01-26-2013 1 Errorjack Senior Member Join Date : Sep 2012 Posts : 83 TRAINERDishonored +7 v0.07E3 UPDATED 1 Dishonored +7 v0.4 Trainer NTSC Credits: Errorjack Trainer Options: Infinite Health + Mana Infinite Elixirs Infinite Equipment + Ammo Infinite Runes + Coins NOTE: Runes will decrease when you purchase abilities.